Volume 2.3 (1991)


Volume 2, No. 3 (1991)

Reforming the Amending Formula: The Case for a Constitutional Convention
by The Honourable Clyde K. Wells (Premier of Newfoundland and Labrador. This is the text of a speech delivered to the Constitutional and International Law Section of the Northern Alberta Branch of the Canadian Bar Association and the Centre for Constitutional Studies, University of Alberta at the Law Centre on January 24, 1991)

Supreme Court Appointments
List of Decisions by New Appointees Justice Stevenson and Justice Iacobucci Compiled by Brett Nash of the Charter of Rights Data Base at the University of Alberta

Mandatory Retirement Cases

Applying the Charter: What is Government?
by Katherine Swinton (Faculty of Law, University of Toronto)

The Search for Reasonable Limits: Is Oakes Retired?
by William Black (Director of the Human Rights Research and Education Centre, and Visiting Professor, University of Ottawa)

Expression, Racism and The Charter

Free Speech and Its Harms
by Frederick Schauer (Frank Stanton Professor of the First Amendment at John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University. The text is an edited transcript of a lecture delivered at the Law Centre, University of Alberta on April 4, 1990)

The Charter and Racism
by David Matas (lawyer in private practice in Winnipeg. He was chair of the Constitutional Law Section, Canadian Bar Association, 1975-1982)

A Review of the Keegstra Case: Supreme Court Upholds Hate Propaganda Law
by Bruce P. Elman (Faculty of Law, and Chair, Centre for Constitutional Studies, University of Alberta)

A Review of the Taylor Case: Using Human Rights Legislation to Curb Racist Speech
by David Schneiderman (Executive Director, Centre for Constitutional Studies)