Volume 6.1 (1994)


Volume 6, No. 1 (1994) – Perspectives on the PQ Plan for Sovereignty, "Québec in a New World"

Content Overview Rethinking Social Democracy: The PQ's Project de Société
William D. Coleman (Department of Political Science, McMaster University)

Unstable Founding: PQ Assumptions and the Independence Project
Douglas Brown (Executive Director, Institute of Intergovernmental Relations, Queen's University)

Canada and Québec in a New World: The PQ's Economic Proposals
Mel McMillan, Ken Norrie and Brad Reid (Department of Economics, University of Alberta)

Québec and English Canada: The Politics of Territory
John P. Conway (University of Regina, political sociologist)

The Status and Rights of the James Bay Crees in the Context of Québec Secession from Canada
Grand Chief Matthew Coon Come (Grand Chief of the Grand Council of the Crees of Québec, and Chairman of the Cree Regional Authority)

The More Things Change: Sovereignty, Québec and the New World
R.B.J. Walker, Department of Political Science, University of Victoria