Volume 7, No. 2 &3 (1996) – Advertising, Freedom of Expression, and the Criminal Law
Reflections on the 1995 Québec Referendum: Problems and Possibilities
Allan Tupper
The Legacy of The Referendum: Who Are We Now?
Alan C. Cairns
After 30 October 1995
Jane Jenson
Sovereignty Postponed: On the Canadian way of losing a referendum, and then another
Claude Denis
Western Canadian Nationalism in Transition
Roger Gibbins
Thinking About the Unthinkable: Planning for a Possible Secession
Reg Whitaker
Canada as A Social Experiment
Paul Bernard
Liberalism, Nationalism, Pluralism: Political Representation and Nation-Building in Canada Before and After the Quebec Referendum
Linda Cardinal and Claude Couture
Dishonourable Conduct: The Crown in Right of Canada and Quebec, and the James Bay Cree
Grand Chief Matthew Coon Come
The Three Failures in Modern Canadian Federalism: Why is it impossible to find a new Quebec-Canada partnership?
Guy Lachapelle
From an Economic and Political Partnership between Quebec and Canada to a Canadian Union
Daniel Turp
Turp Amending the Canadian Constitution: A Mathematical Analysis
Thomas Flanagan