Ontario and Saskatchewan Resolve Aboriginal Land Claims

Nayha Acharya
April 3, 2008

In Ontario, Ipperwash Provincial Park has a gloomy history: in 1995, Ontario Provincial Police officers shot and killed Dudley George, an Aboriginal activist. Since then, the park has been closed. Members of the First Nations argued that they had treaty rights over the land and that it was illegally taken away from them. The park made the news again on December 20, 2007, when Minister of Aboriginal Affairs, Michael Bryant announced that Ipperwash would be returned to the Chippewas of Kettle and Stony Point First Nation. The decision was met with positive remarks by members of the First Nations and by Dudley George's family.

In Saskatchewan, a 131 year old land dispute between government and the Muskoday First Nation was finally resolved. On January 10, 2008 the federal government and provincial government of Saskatchewan signed an agreement to give the Muskody First Nation $10.2 M for the land it was supposed to receive through Treaty 6. In 1986, the Muskody First Nation entered into Treaty 6 because it promised them an area of land. This land was never received.


  • CTV News Staff, "Ontation Returning Ipperwash Park to Natives" CTV News (December 20, 2007).
  • "Saskatchewan Indian Band Celebrates Treaty Land Deal" CBC News (January 11, 2008).
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