Premier Stelmach Takes Over Intergovernmental Relations Ministry

Dan Shouldice
May 22, 2009

Premier Ed Stelmach will take over the Ministry of International and Intergovernmental Relations following the resignation of minister Ron Stevens, who was also Deputy Premier.[1] The Premier stated he will not appoint a new Deputy Premier until after the end of the spring legislative session, sometime in mid-June.[2]

Ron Stevens, former MLA for Calgary-Glenmore, was appointed to the Court of Queen’s Bench of Alberta on May 20, 2009 by Attorney General of Canada Rob Nicholson.[3] The federal government appoints judges of provincial superior courts under section 96 of the Constitution Act, 1867.[4]

A by-election for Calgary-Glenmore has not yet been set, but Premier Stelmach said that the seat will be filled in time for the opening of the fall legislative session in October, indicating a late summer by-election.[5]


[1] Don Braid, “Stelmach to take over Stevens’ duties as minister” Calgary Herald (20 May 2009).
[2]“Byelection before summer’s end” Edmonton Journal (21 May 2009).
[3] Office of the Minister of Justice, “Alberta Judicial Appointments Announced” Department of Justice (20 May 2009).
[5] Supra note 2.
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