Patriation Negotiation Conference (2011) - Recordings

November 3, 2011
Conference Opening Remarks:

On November 3rd , 2011, the Patriation Negotiations Conference, marking the 30th anniversary of the November 1981 negotiations, opened. This video includes the opening remarks by Lois Harder and Patricia Paradis, following by greetings from:

Emcee: Peter Meekison

5:04 Linda Hughes (Chancellor, University of Alberta)
8:32 Minister David Hancock (Government of Alberta)
12:27 Peter Carver (Chair, Board of Directors, Centre for Constitutional Studies)
How Did We Get There? Setting the Political/Constitutional Stage - Part One

This video includes the following presentations:

Session Chair: Steve Patten

1:30 Constitutional Nationalism: The Road to Patriation - Eric M. Adams (Faculty of Law, University of Alberta)
21:26 Trudeau’s Constitutional Vision - David Schneiderman (Faculty of Law, University of Toronto)
42:55 Québec and Constitutional Change - Guy Laforest (Political Science, Université Laval, Québec

Unfortunately, the recording does not include all of Professor LaForest’s presentation. However, we hope that the portion included is, nonetheless, a useful resource.
How Did We Get There Setting the Political/Constitutional Stage - Part Two

This video includes the following presentations:

Session Chair: Eric M. Adams

1:04 First Nations Fight Patriation - Louise Mandell (Mandell Pinder, Vancouver, British Columbia)
22:31 The Supreme Court of Canada Reference - Philip Girard (Professor, Schulich School of Law, Dalhousie) delivered by Peter Carver
44:12 The Women’s Rights Lobby - Marilou McPhedran (President, Global College, Winnipeg, Manitoba)
1:07:20 Hon. Judy Erola (1981, Minister Responsible for the Status of Women, Government of Canada)
1:26:27 Q&A
What Happened Political Dynamics & Outcomes - Introduction

This video includes the following presentations:

Emcee: Oryssia Lennie

5:50 Introduction to Hon. Roy Romanow
Session Chair: Hon. Jim Edwards
8:05 Reflections on the Kitchen Accord
Hon. Roy Romanow (1981, Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs, Government of Saskatchewan)
What Happened Political Dynamics and Outcomes – The Public Servants

This video includes discussion amongst public servants who were involved in the November 1981 negotiations.

Chair: Hon. Jim Edwards

- Howard Leeson (1981, Deputy Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs, Province of Saskatchewan)
- Peter Meekison (1981, Deputy Minister of Federal and Intergovernmental Affairs, Province of Alberta)
- Robert Normand (1981, Deputy of Intergovernmental Affairs, Province of Québec)
- Eddie Goldenberg (1981, Special Constitutional Advisor to the Minister of Justice, Government of Canada)
- Don Stevenson (1981, Deputy Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs, Province of Ontario)
What Happened Political Dynamics and Outcomes – The Drafters and Advisors

This video includes presentations by:

Chair: Hon. Jim Edwards

0:00 Roger Tassé (1981, Deputy Minister of Justice and Deputy Attorney General, Government of Canada)
17:35 Barry Strayer (1981, Adviser to the Government of Canada on the patriation of the Constitution)
34:25 Mary Dawson (1981, Associate Chief Legislative Counsel; Chair of the Statute Revision Commission)

* Unfortunately, the recording cuts off before the Panel was complete. However, we hope that this recording is, nonetheless, a useful resource.

Arm Chair Discussion with the First Ministers

This video includes presentation by:

Emcee: Oryssia Lennie

Greetings from Alberta Ministry of Intergovernmental, International, and Aboriginal Relations - Roxanna Benoit (Deputy Minister)

2:35 Greetings from the University of Alberta Debra Pozega Osburn (Vice-President, University Relations)
8:24 Introduction - Hon. Jim Horsman
24:38 Arm Chair Discussion
Moderator: Hon. Jim Edwards
o Hon. John Buchanan (Former Premier of Nova Scotia)
o Hon. Peter Lougheed (Former Premier of Alberta)
o Hon. Brian Peckfod (Former Premier of Newfoundland and Labrador)
What Dynamics Were Set Into Motion? - Introduction

This video includes a presentation by:

Chair: Janine Brodie

Peter Russell (Professor, Political Science, University of Toronto)
What Dynamics Were Set Into Motion? - Part One

This video includes presentations by:

Session Chair: Janine Brodie

00:24 Aboriginal Issues - Neil Sterritt (1981, President of the Gitxsan-Wet’suwet’en Tribal Council)
33:00 Evaluating the Condition of Canadian Federalism Since Patriation: A Québec Reading - Alain-G. Gagnon (Départment de sciences politiques, Université du Québec à Montréal)
What Dynamics Were Set Into Motion? - Part Two

This video includes presentations by:

Session Chair: Lois Harder

Executive Federalism Post Patriation - Gerald Baier (Professor, Political Science, University of British Columbia)
How did this moment in time change Canadian politics?

The Conference concluded with the recorded presentation:

Session Chair: Patricia Paradis

It was a moment of high politics, not necessarily in keeping with Canada’s democratic traditions. How did this moment in time change Canadian politics? - Chantal Hébert (Political Columnist, Toronto Star)
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