Volume 22.1 (2013)

Volume 22.1 of the Constitutional Forum is a special issue featuring eight of the twelve papers submitted from the 2012 Constitutional Symposium. At the Symposium legal academics and practitioners provided stimulating and thought provoking updates on recent jurisprudence in the constitutional area, focusing on Charter sections 2, 7 and 15, the division of powers, aboriginal rights and the Charter, and criminal law. The table of contents for this issue is provided below:


Patricia Paradis

The Perfect Storm: Section 12, Mandatory Minimums, and the Problem of the Unusual Case

Peter Sankoff

Failing Students by Taking a Pass on the Charter in Pridgen v University of Calgary

Colin Feasby

Redressing The Harms of Government (In)Action: A Section 7 Versus Section 15 Charter Showdown

Jennifer Koshan

Theory and Practice in the Government of Alberta’s Consultation Policy

Neil Reddekopp

“Irreconcilable? The Duty to Consult and Administrative Decision Makers”

Janna Promislow

Federalism Still Matters: The Securities Reference Case

Moin A. Yahya

The PHS Case and Federalism-Based Alternatives to Charter Activism

Dwight Newman

The Assisted Human Reproduction Act Reference and the Thin Line Between Health and Crime

Ubaka Ogbogu