Special Issue
Pipelines and the Constitution
Pipelines and the Constitution: a Special Issue of the Review of Constitutional Studies
Nigel Bankes
The National Energy Board and Energy Infrastructure Regulation: History, Legal Authority, and Judicial Supervision
Alastair R. Lucas
Pipelines and the Politics of Structure: Constitutional Conflicts in the Canadian Oil Sector
George Hoberg
Testing the Jurisdictional Waters: The Provincial Regulation of Interprovincial Pipelines
Martin Z. Olszynski
Drawing Lines in the Sand: Parliament's Jurisdiction to Consider Upstream and Downstream Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions in Interprovincial Pipeline Project Reviews
Nathalie J. Chalifour
Federal Linear Energy Infrastructure Projects and the Rights of Indigenous Peoples: Current Legal Landscape and Emerging Developments
David V. Wright
Book Review
Francisco J. Urbina, A Critique of Proportionality and Balancing (Cambridge, 2017)
Jud Mathews