Volume 29.2 (2020) Constitutional Forum constitutionnel

Special Issue: The Campus Speech Issue

Guest Editors: Kate Bezanson and Alison Braley-Rattai
Includes articles by experts in the field who provide valuable insights into the many political and constitutional dimensions of free speech on university campuses.


Introduction: Symbolic Politics, Constitutional Consequences
Kate Bezanson and Alison Braley-Rattai

Compelling Freedom on Campus: A Free Speech Paradox
Jamie Cameron

The Politics of Campus Free Speech in Canada and the United States
Stephen L. Newman

Universities, the Charter, Doug Ford, and Campus Free Speech
James L. Turk

Academic Freedom, Canadian Labour Law and the Scope of Intra-Mural Expression
Michael Lynk

Un-Chartered Waters: Ontario’s Campus Speech Directive and the Intersections of  Academic Freedom, Expressive Freedom, and Institutional Autonomy
Alison Braley-Rattai and Kate Bezanson

Full Issue