Charter Series

Launched in April 2016, this lunch and learn style series brings the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms to the public who works in the Edmonton downtown core. The aim is to explain the Charter to the public – what specific Charter sections mean, how they are interpreted, and how they impact the lives of Canadians. The series helps to bring specific sections of the Constitution to the community. Speakers are professors or instructors at the University of Alberta’s Faculty of Law.


May  18, 2022: Section 28 - Can Women's Equal Rights Slay the Notwithstanding Clause?
Associate Professor Kerri Froc, University of New Brunswick

March 16, 2022: Righting Charter Violations
Assistant Professor, Sarah Burningham, University of Saskatchewan

February 25, 2022: The Charter's Lesser-Known Section - Official Languages in the Charter
Professor François Larocque, University of Ottawa

January 14, 2022: Why is Free Expression so Controversial? Explaining the Law and Politics of a Fundamental Freedom
Dax D'Orazio, Post-Doctoral Fellow, Queen's University

October 19, 2021: Language Rights' Real Most Valuable Player - Section 23 & Minority-Language Education
Associate Professor Stéphanie Chouinard, Queen's University and Royal Military College

September 27, 2021: The Notwithstanding Clause - Is It Justifiable?
Richard Mailey, PhD, Research Associate, University of Alberta

June 24, 2021: Corporations and Section 12- Protection from Cruel and Unusual Punishment
Professor Anna Lund, Faculty of Law, University of Alberta

May 12, 2021: Excluding illegally obtained evidence under s. 24(2) of the Charter: Does the ideology, gender, or professional background of judges matter?
Professor Steven Penney, Faculty of Law, University of Alberta

March 22, 2021: The Constitutional Right of Religious Freedom in Canada
Associate Professor, Dr. Howard Kislowicz, Faculty of Law, University of Calgary

February 24, 2021: Section 1- the Charter’s Balancing Provision
Executive Director, Patricia Paradis, Centre for Constitutional Studies

February 08, 2021: Constitutional Dissent
Vice Dean and Professor, Eric M. Adams, Faculty of Law, University of Alberta

January 13, 2021: Contact Tracing Apps
Professors Emily Laidlaw and Joel Reardon, University of Calgary

October 22, 2020: Section 25 of the Charter – Indigenous Laws in Canadian Courts
Lawyer and PhD candidate Ryan Beaton, University of Victoria

September 28, 2020: Pandemic Travel Restrictions – Do They Violate Your Mobility Rights?
Lawyer Arthur M. Grant, Partner at Grant Kovacs Norell and Lawyer Cara Zwibel, Director of the Fundamental Freedoms Programs

June 10, 2020: Rights, Freedoms, and Medical Assistance in Dying
Associate Professor Ubaka Ogbogu, Faculties of Law and Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Alberta

March 11, 2020: The Charter and the Environment
Associate Professor Cameron Jefferies, Faculty of Law, University of Alberta

February 7, 2020: The Duty to Consult and Section 35 of the Constitution Act, 1982
Professor Catherine Bell, Faculty of Law, University of Alberta

January 22, 2020: The Charter and Corporations – Are ‘legal persons’ entitled to the Charter Rights?”
Assistant Professor Anna Lund, Faculty of Law, University of Alberta

November 20, 2019: The Principles of Fundamental Justice: What Are They Anyway?
Colton Fehr, Ph.D. Candidate, Faculty of Law, University of Alberta

October 4, 2019: Does the Charter Protect the Right to Housing?
Assistant Professor Anna Lund, Faculty of Law, University of Alberta

September 19, 2019: Is the Charter Protection of the Right to Counsel Too Limited?
Paul Atkinson, Public Legal Education Coordinator, Centre for Constitutional Studies

April 23, 2019: Protecting Democracy or Those Boring Parts of the Charter no one Talks About!
Professor James Muir, Faculty of Law/Arts, University of Alberta

Jan 30, 2019: Notwithstanding Clause
Professor Barbara Billingsley, Faculty of Law, University of Alberta

Oct 18, 2018: Liberty, Crime Control, and the Right to be Free from Arbitrary Detention
Professor Steven Penney, Faculty of Law, University of Alberta

April 18, 2018: Aboriginal Rights, Legal Traditions, and Section 35 of the Constitution
Professors Catherine Bell and Hadley Friedland, Faculty of Law, University of Alberta

Jan 15, 2018: When the Constable Blunders – Excluding Unconstitutionally Obtained Evidence Under Section 24(2) of the Charter
Professor Steven Penney, Faculty of Law, University of Alberta

Nov 22, 2017: Charter Rights and Human Rights – What’s the Difference?
Patricia Paradis, CCS Executive Director, Sessional Instructor, University of Alberta

Oct 18, 2017: Righting Wrongs – Remedies for Charter of Rights Violations
Professor Barbara Billingsley, Faculty of Law, University of Alberta

Sept 14, 2017: Interpreting the Charter
Professor Joanna Harrington, Faculty of Law, University of Alberta

April 19, 2017: Charter Basics
Patricia Paradis, CCS Executive Director, Sessional Instructor, University of Alberta

March 22, 2017: Section 7 and Environmental Rights
Assistant Professor Cameron Jefferies, Faculty of Law, University of Alberta

Feb 15, 2017: Section 7 and Assisted Dying Rights
Assistant Professor Ubaka Ogbogu, Faculty of Law, University of Alberta

Jan 19, 2017: Section 10 – “I wanna talk to my lawyer!”
Professor Steven Penney, Faculty of Law, University of Alberta

Dec 1, 2016: Section 2(A) – Religious Freedom – Its Scope & Limits
Professor Peter Carver, Faculty of Law, University of Alberta

Sept 29, 2016: Section 2(b) – What Expression Does the Charter Protect?
Associate Professor Eric M Adams, Faculty of Law; Research Fellow – Centre of Constitutional Studies, University of Alberta

May 26, 2016: Section 13 – “Canada’s Version of ‘Pleading the 5th’ – The Right Against Self-Incrimination
Professor Peter Sankoff, Faculty of Law, University of Alberta

April 26, 2016: Section 15 – Right to Equality and Freedom from Discrimination
Patricia Paradis, CCS Executive Director & Sessional Instructor, University of Alberta

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448D Law Centre
University of Alberta
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