The Forum is published exclusively online. The most recent issue as well as past, archived issues can be accessed online here.
The Centre for Constitutional Studies publishes the Constitutional Forum constitutionnel (Forum) free of charge through the University of Alberta Online Journal System (OJS). Articles published draw from many disciplines, including law, history, economics, political science, sociology and philosophy. The Forum’s publication schedule and the reasonably short turnaround time from submission to publication allow the Forum to provide insightful commentary on current topics of Canadian and international constitutional importance. Occasionally an issue of the Forum will be devoted to a single topic, such as the Campus Free Speech, or the State of Canada’s Constitutional Democracy.
The Centre for Constitutional Studies gratefully acknowledges the continuing support of the Alberta Law Foundation whose financial contribution helps make possible the publication of Constitutional Forum constitutionnel.
If you would like an email notification sent to you when a new issue of the Forum is published, please email the Centre to be added to our distribution list.
For any inquiries about the Forum, please e-mail the Centre at
Submissions should be in the range of 3,000 to 6,000 words.
Accepted in English or French.
Accepted electronically in Microsoft Word.
Style Sheet: Forum style sheet for English-language manuscript submissions.
Please follow The Chicago Manual of Style, 17th ed. where it is not inconsistent with the Canadian Guide to Uniform Legal Citation, 9th ed. (McGill Guide).
For citations, please follow the McGill Guide.
For spelling, please follow the Canadian Oxford Dictionary.
Send your submissions to:
Richard Mailey, Managing Editor
Centre for Constitutional Studies
448E Law Centre
University of Alberta
Edmonton, AB T6G 2H5
Phone: (780) 492-8281