All Issues

Constitutional Forum

Volume 29.2 (2020)
This special issue deals with campus free speech and was edited by professors Kate Bezanson and Alison Braley-Rattai.
Volume 29.1 (2020)
In this issue: Seeing Double: Peace, Order, and Good Government, and the Impact of Federal Greenhouse Gas Emissions Legislation on Provincial Jurisdiction; Charter Injunctions, Public Interest Presumption, and the Tyranny of the Majority; The Conscientious Objection of Medical Practitioners to the CPSO’s “Effective Referral” Requirement; Nothing to Declare: A Response to Grégoire Webber, Eric Mendelsohn, Robert Leckey, and Léonid Sirota on the Effects of the Notwithstanding Clause
Volume 28.4 (2019)
In this issue: Advocacy Notwithstanding the Notwithstanding Clause; The Notwithstanding Clause and the New Populism; Shouting into the Constitutional Void: Section 28 and Bill 21
Volume 28.3 (2019)
In this issue: The Crown and Government Formation: Conventions, Practices, Customs, and Norms; Declarations of Invalidity in Superior Courts; Ford et Irwin Toy 30 ans plus tard: une conversation avec le juge de Montigny; Ford and Irwin Toy 30 Years Later: A Conversation with Justice Montigny
Volume 28.2 (2019)
In this issue: Achieving Certainty in Treaties with Indigenous Peoples: Small Steps Towards Adopting Elements of Recognition; Constitutionalizing (In)justice: Treaty Interpretation and the Containment of Indigenous Governance; Infusing Reconciliation into the Sentencing Process.
Volume 28.1 (2019)
In this issue: What happens when the assumptions underlying our commitment to free speech no longer hold?; Constitution of Canada as Supreme Law: A New Definition; Senate Reform and the Political Safeguards of Canadian Federalism in Québec; The Original Living Tree
Volume 27.1 (2018)
This issue covers topics discussed at the Reconciliation: Wahkohtowin conference held in Edmonton, Alberta on September 22 and 23, 2017.
Volume 26.3 (2017)
Volume 26.3 - R v Jordan & unreasonable delay This issue includes perspectives on the Supreme Court of Canada's decision in R v Jordan. Was the Supreme Court right to change the law on the right to a speedy trial?
Volume 26.2 (2017)
SPECIAL ISSUE - Patriation Papers: A View From Saskatchewan This special issue of Constitutional Forum is a compilation of never-before-published notes and observations on meetings of the provincial and federal NDP leaders and between the provinces and the federal government
Volume 26.1 (2017)
Volume 26.1 - National Receivership Law; Atlantic Canada & Reference Re Supreme Court Act; Reforming Rowbotham & State-Funded Counsel This issue of the Forum includes articles on the evolution of national receivership law, the regional considerations in Supreme Court of
Volume 25.3 (2016)
SPECIAL ISSUE - The State of Canada's Constitutional Democracy This Special Issue of the Forum is a collection of articles presented at a Symposium held at the University of Toronto in February 2016 on “The State of Canada’s Constitutional Democracy”.
Volume 25.2 (2016)
SPECIAL ISSUE - 2015 Annual Constitutional Symposium Papers This Special Issue of the Forum is a compelling compilation of papers presented at the Annual Constitutional Symposium organized by the Centre for Constitutional Studies in October 2015. Articles can be read below. Trinity Western Law
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Centre for Constitutional Studies
448D Law Centre
University of Alberta
Edmonton, AB T6G 2H5
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