Volume 20.2 (2011)In this issue: Case Comment: Canada (Attorney General) v PHS Community Services Society
Volume 20.1 (2011)In this issue: Canada's re-emerging Division of Powers and the Unrealized Force of Reciprocal Interjurisdictional Immunity; Fédéralisme Canadien et Lutte Contre Les Changements Climatiques; Canadian Federalism in the Context of Combating Climate Change; The Manual of Official Procedure of the Government of Canada: An Exposé
Volume 19.3 (2010)In this issue: Insite: Site and Sight; Jurisdictional Justice, Democracy and the Story of Insite; Insite: Right Answer, Wrong Question; Applying the Burden of Proof and Creating Connections to Communities; Section 7, Insite and the Competence of Courts; Lost in Translation: Social Realities, Insite, and the Law in Legal Education; Some Pedagogical Reflections; Pedagogies of Mapping
Volume 19.2 (2010)In this issue: Key Theoretical Issues in the Interaction of Law and Religion: A Guide for the Perplexed; Judges and Religious-Based Reasoning; The Politics of Hate Speech: A Case Comment on Warman v Kemire; McIvor v Canada and the 2010 Amendments to the Indian Act:, A Half-Hearted Remedy to Historical Injustice
Volume 19.1 (2010)In this issue: The Notwithstanding Clause, the Charter, and Canada's Patriated Constitution: What I Thought We Were Doing; The Speaker's Ruling on Afghan Detainee Documents: The Last Hurrah for Parliamentary Privilege?; Conacher Missed the Mark on Constitutional Conventions and Fixed Election Dates; The Fixed Election Law: Constitutional Convention or Conventional Politics?
Volume 18.3 (2009)In this issue: The IOC Made Me Do it: Women's Ski Jumping, VANOC, and the 2010 Winter Olympics; Drivers Needed: Tough Choices from Alberta v. Wilson Colony of Hutterian Brethren; Abdelrazik: Tort Liability for Exercise of Prerogative Powers?; A Delicate Balance: Re Charkaoui and the Constitutional Dimensions of Disclosure
Volume 18.2 (2009)In this issue: Rebuttal to Edmund A. Aunger, "The Constitution of Canada and the Official Status of French in Alberta"; Confidence: How Much is Enough?; Guiding the Governor General's Prerogatives: Constitutional Convention Versus an Apolitical Decision Rule; Semi-Presidentialism à la française: the Recent Constitutional Evolution of the "Two-Headed" Executive; Canada, the United Nations Human Rights Council, and Universal Periodic Review
Volume 18.1 (2009)In this issue: The Governor General’s Decision to Prorogue Parliament: A Chronology & Assessment; The Turmoil Surrounding the Prorogation of Canada’s 40th Parliament & the Crown; The Constitutionality of Prorogation; La « crise de la prorogation » vue du Québec; Canada’s Neglected Tradition of Coalition Government; The Role of the Federal Court in National Security Issues: Balancing the Charter Against Anti-terrorism Measures
Volume 17.3 (2008)In this issue: Intergovernmental Relations, Legitimacy, and the Atlantic Accords; Equalization, Regional Development, and Political Trust: The Section 36/Atlantic Accords Controversy; Constitutional Change to Address Climate Change and Nonrenewable Energy Use; The Applicability of Section 7 of the Charter to Oil and Gas Development in Alberta
Volume 17.2 (2008)In this issue: Where did Trudeau go wrong? On the Question of Nationalism and Charter Patriotism in Canada; The Constitution Act, 1982 and the Crown: Twenty-Five Years Later; Les droits linguistiques et la Charte : vingt-cinq années de progression vers l’égalité? Une perspective de l’Ouest canadien; La signification de l’article 23 de la Charte et son étendue aujourd’hui dans les communautés minoritaires francophones : vers une transculturalité réelle
Volume 17.1 (2008)In this issue: The European Union’s Trap of Constitutional Politics: From the Convention Towards the Failure of the Treaty of Lisbon; Faith in Rights: the Struggle Over Same-Sex Adoption in the United Kingdom; Spain’s Multinational Constitution: a Lost Opportunity?; Upper House Reform in Germany: the Commission for the Moderization of the Federal System
Volume 16.3 (2007)In this issue: Conditions Under Which Québec Prefers a Strong Federal Government, or Why Decentralization is not Necessarily a Good Thing for Québec; A Democratic Defence of the Court Challenges Program; A Level Playing Field for Classical Liberalism: the Abolition of the Court Challenges Program Empowers a Diversity of Perspectives on Freedom and Equality; Droits scolaires collectifs en concurrence ou en complémentarité: Langue et religion dans le droit constitutionnel de gestion des ecoles de langue française au Canada; La gestion de la diversité religieuse en milieu scolaire: le modèle >