All Issues

Constitutional Forum

Volume 16.2 (2007)
In this issue: The Constitution Act, 1982: the Foreseen and Unforseen; L'exil intérieur des Québécois dans le Canada de la Charte; Charter Checks and Parliamentary Balances; Sometimes Constitutions are Made in the Streets: the Future of the Charter's Notwithstanding Clause; The Unlikely Union of Same-Sex Marriage, Polygamy and the Charter in Court
Volume 16.1 (2007)
In this issue:The Challenges of Securing an Open Society; Charkaoui: Beyond Anti-Terrorism, Procedural Fairness, and Section 7 of the Charter; Can a Middle Ground be Found on Senate Numbers?; POGG as a Basis for Federal Jurisdiction over Public Health Surveilance
Volume 15.3 (2006)
Overview Volume 15, No. 3: Canada's Native Languages: The Right of FIrst Nations to Educate Their Children in Their Own Languages David Leitch An Opportune Moment: The Judicial Appointment Reforms and the Judicial Credentials Demanded by the Charter Daniel Nadler Charter Rights and Public Policy Choices: The Supreme Court and Public Finance Hugh Mellon Invalidity […]
Volume 15.2 (2006)
In this issue: Jane Austen and the Council of the Federation; Arbitration Using Sharia Law in Canada: A Constitutional and Human Rights Perspective; Re-Framing the Sharia Arbitration Debate; The Truth About Judicial Activism
Volume 15.1 (2006)
In this issue: Keeping Religious Fundamentalism Under Wraps: The Clothing Controversy in Selected European Countries; Understanding Law and Religion as Culture:; Making Room for Meaning in the Public Sphere; The Christian Right, The Federal Courts, and The Constitution in the United States; Religious Discourse in the Public Square
Volumes 13.3 & 14.1 (2005)
Special Double Issue- Writings in Honour of Claude Ryan/ Ecrits en L’Honneur de Claude Ryan
Volumes 14.3 (2005)
In this issue: Section 33 and the Relationship Between Legislatures and Courts; Constitutional Dialogues Between Courts and Legislatures: Can We Talk?; Respecting Democratic Roles; Same-Sex Marriage and the Same Old Constitution
Volumes 14.2 (2005)
In this issue: Constitutional Limbo in Trinidad and Tobago (The Uncertainty, not the Dance); Reluctant Warrior, Enthusiastic Peacekeeper: Domestic Legal Regulation of Canadian Participation in Armed Conflicts; Waging War: Japan's Constitutional Restraints; War and Peace - An Israeli Perspective
Volumes 13.2 (2003)
In this issue: Meaning From Chaos: Reflections on September 11, 2002 – Two Years After; The Dunmore Departure: Section 1 and Vulnerable Groups; The Israeli Constitution and the Fight Against Terrorism; The Affair of the Chairs; Federal House Committee Reform: Mindless Adversarialism Well Done
Volumes 13.1 (2003)
In this issue: Canadian Multiculturalism in Historical and Comparative Perspective: Is Canada Unique?; The Perspectives of Aboriginal Peoples of Canada on the Monarchy: Reflections on the Occasion of the Queen’s Golden Jubilee; Governing the Canadian State: The Constitution in an Era of Globalization, Neo-Liberalism, Populism, Decentralization and Judicial Activism
Volume 12.3 (2003)
In this issue: Scientific Experiments on Animals and Constitutional Principle; Beyond the Flight From Constitutional Legalism: Rethinking the Politics of Social Policy Post-Charlottetown; The Hard Case of Defining “The Métis People” and Their Rights: A Comment on R. v. Powley; Black v. Chrétien and the Control of the Royal Prerogative
Volume 12.2 (2002)
In this issue: Understanding Grootboom – A Response to Cass R. Sunstein; Strenghtening the Economic Union: The Charter and the Agreement on Internal Trade; Rights, Recognition, and Rectification: Constitutional Remedies in Johnson v. Sand
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Centre for Constitutional Studies
448D Law Centre
University of Alberta
Edmonton, AB T6G 2H5
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