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Laura McKenzie

Managing Editor (Blog)

Laura (she/her) is a law student at the University of Alberta. Prior to law school, she completed a degree in Education (English Language Arts, Computing Science) at the University of Alberta. After a number of years teaching, Laura started a family and focused her time volunteering for community not-for-profit boards, typically serving in executive roles. The experiences she had negotiating, drafting, and advocating for policy galvanized her to return to school in pursuit of a law degree. While working on an after-degree in Political Science and Sociology, she discovered a passion for human rights and constitutional law, particularly the protection of historically disadvantaged groups, such as Indigenous peoples and women. Beginning her law degree at the University of Saskatchewan, she has transferred home to be with family. 

Laura began with CCS in July 2022 as the Digital Content Manager and is now the Managing Editor of the Seven/Fifty blog. She is keenly interested in issues concerning sections 25, 35, and 91(24) of the Constitution, federalism, and the political constitution.

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Centre for Constitutional Studies
448D Law Centre
University of Alberta
Edmonton, AB T6G 2H5
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